Updates to our maternity service
In these unusual times, the safety of mums, babies, visitors and our staff remains our absolute priority. So we’ve implemented some COVID-19 changes in line with state and federal guidelines.
Some are more general in nature, like COVID-19 screening for everyone entering the hospital. Others involve going online whenever we can, and a change to who can visit you. Please get in touch if you’d like to discuss any of the below.
Maternity Booking appointment
Once you lodge your e-Admission, we’ll call to make a midwife appointment and process your health fund details. Maternity booking staff can be contacted at norwestmaternity@healthscope.com.au . Face-to-face appointments with a midwife are now back but you can also talk to a midwife over the phone if you prefer. You'll be given the choice at the time of booking.
Childbirth education classes
In accordance with social distancing guidelines, we’ve had to cancel all face-to-face classes. The good news is there’s a range of options online.
Check the antenatal section HERE.
Labour and birth
Your health and safety is everything to us. To help protect you and your baby, other families and our staff, you will be able to have TWO support people with you during labour and birth.
Once your family are moved to the Postnatal Unit from the Birth Unit, the second support person will be asked to leave the hospital, and will not be able to return. This support person is not interchangeable.
You and your partner are not required to be fully vaccinated and a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) is no longer required on admission to Birth Unit or Maternity, UNLESS you and your partner are symptomatic or an identified high risk household contact. In that case, you should notify Birth Unit prior to arrival and seek a RAT or PCR in the community. Call Birth Unit on 8882 8591 if you require any further advice.
Your second support person must have had two doses of a recognised vaccine (unless they have a medical exemption), not tested positive to COVID-19 within the past 7 days.
Feeding your baby
We continue to encourage skin-to-skin contact at birth and breastfeeding. Pay careful attention to hand hygiene, and try not to cough or sneeze near baby. If you are suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19 infection, please wear a mask when feeding or expressing milk for your baby.
Visiting restrictions
[Last updated 27 March 2023]
Visiting hours:
- 10.00am to 12.00pm and 3.00pm to 8.00pm
One support person is permitted to stay with mother outside of regular visiting hours.
Siblings of baby allowed 10am - 8pm.
All permitted visitors must:
- have had two doses of a recognised COVID vaccine (unless they have a medical exemption)
- not have tested positive to COVID-19 within the past 7 days
- not be a high-risk contact of someone who has had COVID-19 in the previous 14 days
- not have COVID-19 symptoms
Visiting restrictions – special care nursery
Only parents of the baby can visit our Special Care Nursery. If you believe you have exceptional circumstances, please chat to our staff.
After birth – Postnatal and Midwifery
As mentioned above, your one nominated support person can visit you, and is welcome to stay overnight.
Is there anything else you’d like to know?
We know these restrictions can be challenging, so we ask for your understanding. If you have any questions regarding your pregnancy, your stay or any other maternity matter, we’re here for you. Please email on Maternity.Enquiries@healthscope.com.au