Early Childhood Clinic 

One of the benefits of having your baby at Norwest Private Hospital is that this support continues even after you go home.

The Norwest Private Maternity Early Childhood Clinic (ECHC) is available to all babies born at Norwest Private Hospital. Each family may book 2 complimentary visits to the Early Childhood Clinic within the first 6 weeks. 
After 6 weeks there is a fee of $45 per visit. Routine baby health checks will also be available as per the NSW Health schedule.

At the ECHC visit, you will have the opportunity to talk to an experienced midwife and get advice on concerns that you’ve had after going home including infant feeding, infant care, child development and management.

Norwest Private Maternity Early Childhood Clinic is open Tuesday to Thursday. To make an appointment, please call Maternity Bookings on Mondays or Wednesdays on 02 8882 8807 or email norwestmaternity@healthscope.com.au.


Going home

Knowing when you’ll be back home, ready to begin the next stage of your bigger life, is a great help when you need to plan and organise. 

The anticipated postnatal stay is four nights for a vaginal birth and five nights for a caesarean section birth, provided there are no complications. 

Discharge time is 9.00am.

Please ensure that you have a fully fitted child restraint secured in your car before taking your baby home. We recommend an authorised fitting station. We can help you find one, or contact your local RTA.


Our Assistance

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